One person was playing the game for about 10 minutes even though all he was doing was shooting ducks without any rewards(points etc). A good Ludology game.
Inspired by what I completed, I am working on duck mode. This will be more advanced on what I had on the Open days and it will be much tidier code which can be used for other elements in the game. As for AI, the ducks will only have random changes but I will use them to add in movement and rotation AI decisions thus beginning my AI development.
Duck mode will consist of:
- A Room with gravity and wall collisions. If I can find a model, it will help me understand how to import model rooms later.
- Player and Duck separate spawn points (easily done by having 2 spawn point selectors which have already been coded)
- Scores displayed on screen. I will find the source of my spritebatch problem and fix it. This will also give players a HUD and bragging rights.
- Ammo, different weapons and weapon spawns. Players will now take shots carefully and have to reload.
What I will need:
- Combatant class - base for player and AI combatants
- Local Player class - builds on Combatant as the control interface
- AI Combatent class - like local player except replacing physical controls with virtual decisions ( wont be implemented for some but the code will be structured so all I will have to do is combatentList.Add(AIBot); everything else will work (updating, drawing etc)
- Duck mode class - runs the level updating Combatants and the ducks as well as bullets, physics and scores.
- Bullet manager class - manages bullets and notifies gameplaymode about collisions (returns what was hit and the bullet which did it)
- Score manager class - keeps track of the scores and displays them
- Weapon Class - stores weapon data, contains reload functions (does not add bullets directly, weapon stores data only)
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